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Boeing EB-47E Stratojet (Model 450-157-35) 53-2135 dello Strategic Air Command USAF, esposto al Pima Air and Space Museum di Tucson, in Arizona. Si tratta di uno dei 274 B-47E costruiti dalla Douglas (386 ne costruì la Lockheed e ben 931 la stessa Boeing), successivamente modificato come EB-47E per missioni ECM (Electronic Counter Measures). Il B-47E, con sei turbogetti General Electric J-47-GE-25 da 7.200 libbre, fu la versione costruita nel maggior numero di esemplari. Rispetto al precedente B-47B, esso introduceva i seggiolini eiettabili, la torretta di coda con due cannoni da 20 mm, due grosse taniche subalari sganciabili e la possibilità di decollo assistito con razzi JATO. Tipici dello Stratojet erano il carrello principale biciclo in tandem, le gondole esterne monomotore e quelle interne bimotore, la cabina con i tre membri dell'equipaggio sistemati uno dietro all'altro. (Aeromedia)
Boeing EB-47E Stratojet (Model 450-157-35) 53-2135 of the USAF's Strategic Air Command on static display at Pima Air and Space Museum near Tucson, Arizona. At the beginning of its career, it was just one of the 274 Douglas-manufactured B-47Es (386 were built by Lockheed and a further 931 by Boeing itself), but it was later modified as EB-47E for the ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) role. The B-47E, powered by six General Electric J-47-GE-25 turbojets delivering a thrust of 7,200 lbs. each, was the Stratojet version produced in largest quantity. The improvements compared to the previous B-47B included ejection-seats, 20 mm twin cannon tail turret, two large underwing fuel tanks and option of JATO rocket-packs for shorter take-off. The Stratojet had such typical features as a bicycle-type tandem main landing gear, single-engine external and twin-engine inner nacelles with a crew of three in a tandem cabin layout. (Aeromedia)

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